In developing and emerging countries informal settlements often develop uncontrollably around major cities. In mountainous regions these low-income settlements frequently are situated in areas subject to high landslide risk. An intermediate solution to reduce landslide risk for the inhabitants is the installation of a landslide early warning system. The Infom@Risk project is developing a socially integrated cost-effective landslide early warning system, that specifically addresses the complex spatial and social conditions of informal settlements.

The Inform@Risk research project (2019-2022), which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, plans to develop and im­ple­ment a socially integrated cost-effective landslide early warning system, that specifically addresses the complex spatial and social conditions of informal settle­ments. The multidisciplinary project involves landscape archi­tects (Leibniz University Hannover, LUH), geo­lo­gists (Technical University of Munich, TUM), geo­tech­ni­­cal instrumentation experts (AlpGeorisk, AGR), remote sen­sing experts (German Aerospace Center Ober­pfaffen­ho­fen, DLR and Expert Office for Aerial Image Evalu­ation and Environmental Issues, SLU), and soft­ware developers (Technical University Deggendorf, THD).

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